Greater New York Health Care Facilities Association is pleased to announce that the IPRO Quality Innovation Network – Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) is currently inviting nursing homes to join the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Nursing Home Quality Care Collaborative (NHQCC).
By joining the Nursing Home Quality Care Collaborative (NHQCC) your organization will receive
technical support and assistance, at no cost, to help you transform the quality of care provided by your nursing home and improve resident outcomes.
Over the next five years, the IPRO quality improvement teams will work with participating
nursing homes on evidence-based and data-driven methodologies to support improvements in CMS
identified topic areas that include:
- Reducing Re-admission and ED visits in the sub-acute population
- Improving Quality Measure Scores
- Reducing Healthcare Acquired Infections
- Reducing Adverse Drug Events
IPRO has been reaching out to nursing homes across the state regularly with NHQCC participation information. If you have not received or responded to information from IPRO, you can sign up to participate at this direct link:
For additional information, please email: (New York & New Jersey)
The opportunity to partake in the collaborative is time sensitive ending April 2020 – your quick response is critical to ensure your nursing homes participation into this valuable program.